8 Jan 2010

New years, batteries included.

What a year 2009 was.
Last year I remember promising myself that this year would be better in terms of joy. What I got was so much more.
I have learnt a massive deal about myself, and others.
I have given myself a set of tools, or new abilities to learn and expand my own horizons in anyway I like.
Definatly no where near any state of perfection, nor will I ever be. My goals for this year...
Balancing my life.
I have many opinions about myself that block me from going anywhere with life, and the safety it makes me feel is rediculous. Opinions such as nobody is like me, that I have to be the best in order to ever feel freedom.
This is inredible to learn, and much more intense to get over.
I have also got to learn to deal with myself, instead of blaming outside circumstances or people, or even worse, blaming myself and telling myself how pathetic I am for failing at almost everything I do.
Which is not the case.
Everyone creates their own life, and wheather they realise it or not, they are entirely responsible for every bit of pain and sorrow in their lives. Most don't want to accept it as their own responsibility and pin their negativity onto other people.
And I know the pain so very well, and how pathetic it really is to watch myself run around looking like a lost child.
At the same time, it's kinda funny.
Depending on what you wanna laugh at.

People in the media try to reflect the humour of stupidity and helplessness, and make it seem like it's what everyone either wants or is.
So we base our lives around drama after drama, avoiding responsibility for anything.

It scares me how many people are like this,
At the same time, I love that everyone I know has a good bright side.
And I love seeing that in people, in anyone I know. Their happiness reflects into my own being and vice versa, which creates a community within groups, then those people are given the option of literally jacking eachother off in so many ways!
it's so fun!
Everyone has an energy aura they put off, in this aura there are several layers which reflect on youre inner spirit. Thus, the better you are in you're spirit of love and compassion in you're inner spirit, or chakras, the better you will be able to love and heal people, just with you're own presence. People will be automatically attracted to you because of you're own love and light.
Which leads me to jacking eachother off.
Not literally (obviously, dick!)
If you were to practice this, and empower and improve these layers, and mix those with other peoples layers, you get something a friend of mine calls "being lifted", there are many other ways of describing such a feeling. The idea is, Practice honesty, loyalty, responsibility, love and compassion, and you will get incredible benifits.
So it leads me to my lifes choice, to be as strong and powerful in every aspect of my life, and love it.

Balance you're life.
Bring things into perspective.
See life for exactly what it is.
See that point of choice, and clarify it's meaning and power as a whole and how you view that choice will determine the crazyness of you're rollercoaster ride through this dimension, and this universe.

Felix Faust


Cheyanne said...

most intriguing... a good way of viewing things!! =]