18 Apr 2010


Eyes drew nearer in my mirror of what was an enemy
But one second, I caught a glimpse of what was
what was usual.
Vanished, as quick as it came.
The estranged death-demon that once filled the wall and vision was gone.
What then stood staring back at me was just..
Organs. Structures. Cells.
Wrapped nicely in flesh.

I remember looking into a mirror years ago and seeing something false.
However, at the time I interpreted it as a demon.
This was particular to when I came down of pills, smoked a decent amount of pot, going without sleep for a day or so or.. all of the above.
And so this is the first time in roughly a year since my last pills, and I looked into the mirror.
It was there for a second, and I recognised it however this time I knew that wasn't me. Rather, it was some evil demonic being I created in my own mind and that's what I saw. No, that was a lie. The recognition of what never really existed terminated the "demon" I once saw, and at that point I saw just my body.
It just is my body. Somewhere I saw into my eyes and saw I and ME.

Therefore I am more centered and knowing of myself than a year ago. I HAVE MADE PROGRESS! A lot of it.

So, Sunny girl tells me she's just had her first trip.
So I researched her first, who is she?
There is only so much I can find and say through the inter-web..
I find that she is creative. That's a start.
However there's much more that needs uncovering.